DARK CHOCOLATE and It’s Bittersweet Facts.
Any fans of chocolate here?
(Ooppss... not the milky, sugary craps.)
But the rich, healthier, DARK chocolate.
Historically, it is believed that dark chocolate has been around for more than 3,000 years.
It is made from the tropical Theobroma cacao tree seeds.
Later in Central and South America, it was developed around 1900 B.C. as a drink- The only form of chocolate that was available at the time.
Over the years, pure dark chocolate has been through many modifications to become more than just dark chocolate (its bitterness was not something to be fond of).
In the early 1500s, the Spanish discovered chocolate and brought it back to Europe, where honey and cane sugar were added to make it sweeter.
And, poof!
It leads to the next path for the creation of the milk chocolate.
By the late 1600s, milk was added to the dark chocolate beverage by Hans Solan who was in Jamaica.
Although it is argued that milk chocolate was first invented by Daniel Peter and Henri Nestle who added condensed milk to dark chocolate in 1847.
From beverage, the latest invention of dark chocolate was made into a solid form, and risingly became a mass-produced in the 20th century.
The sweetness and creamy taste of the milk chocolate has overtake the popularity of the dark chocolate.
However, dark chocolate is still a demand in the market due to its benefits on health.
Cacao beans are retrieved from the Theobroma cacao tree.
Pods are harvest from the trees, and the beans are scooped out of the pods.
Next, fermentation take place and those beans are dried up.
The next process is roasting and grinding the beans, resulted in the cocoa powder,
which then convert into a liquor (nope, not alcohol), then sweeten it, grind it again, and pour it into their desired mold to solidify.
Voilla! Chocolate bars are made!
Apparently, no milk powder is used to make dark chocolate.
Different types of dark chocolate are distinguished by the percentage of cocoa solids in the bar.
They are classified as:
sweet dark chocolate.
For commercial dark chocolate bars, the cocoa content can range from 30 percent (for sweet dark chocolate) to 80 percent (or higher) (for extremely dark, bitter bars.)
The maths is simple.
The higher amount of cocoa content, indicates the more bitterness and the stronger the taste.
Although some people find the darkest of chocolate to have a bitter taste, while others appreciate its lower sugar content. (Healthier snack!)
Are you on diet, but craving for some chocolatey taste?
Fret not, our products of Dark Chocolate will satisfy your taste buds without even ruining your diet!
Our dark chocolate is made sugarless, but not too bitter to indulge.
Range from plain, original flavor of dark chocolate, we also have almond and strawberry flavor to enjoy.
Wait. We have a lot more to share with you about the goodness and benefits of this bittersweet treat, especially for your health.
Stay with us through out this article.
The health benefits of dark chocolate are widely known over the globe—especially its effect on our heart.
Not just about that, new research also found that chocolate may help boost your performance, be it physically, or mentally.
So, here's what you need to know before breaking off a square (or two).
1. Protection from Disease (Causing by Free Radicals)
Dark chocolate is popularly known of its ability to fight free radicals.
Free radicals are harmful compounds created by cellular processes in the body that can contribute to inflammation and causing chronic diseases.
It is believed that antioxidants are the compounds found in dark chocolate who is working to neutralize the free radicals and protect the body from damage and disease.
Cacao is packed with numerous antioxidants — flavonoids and polyphenols, that is more greater than in green tea or red wine.
The darker you go, the more antioxidants you’ll get.
Therefore, the higher the cacao percentage in the chocolate bar, the more awesome antioxidants you’ll consume.
2. Potentially as Cancer Prevention.
You heard that right — one of the benefits of dark chocolate is, it is potentially found to be a cancer- fighting food.
It may be hard to believe, but that tasty chocolate you eat and love may also help you to ward off cancer.
Research shows that the flavonoids and antioxidants found in chocolate may be especially beneficial to effectively reduce the growth and spread of colon cancer cells in rats.
Another review noted that due to its ability to decrease oxidative stress, reduce inflammation and also block the growth of cancer cells, it could potentially help protect against colorectal cancer.
3. Improve a Healthy Heart.
The main type of flavonoid found in chocolate is Flavanols.
A research has shown that flavanols play an important role by reducing blood pressure and improving blood flow to the heart as well as the brain.
Thus, it brings a positive effect on heart health.
Besides that, these flavanols can also help in preventing blood platelets from clotting, hence, reducing the risk of getting stroke.
4. Good controlling Over Cholesterol.
Cocoa butter is rich in healthy fats and polyphenols-- compounds that also beneficially act as antioxidants in the body.
A 2009 study published in Southern Medical Journal found that just one week of dark chocolate consumption could possibly improved lipid profiles, decreased platelet reactivity, as well as reduced inflammation.
Another review of 10 studies showed that by consuming flavonol-rich chocolate, it could effectively reducing levels of total and bad LDL cholesterol (both of which are major risk factors for heart disease.)
5. Better Cognitive Function.
That flavonol-rich dark chocolate could also increase the blood flow to the brain, which could potentially aid in the treatment of cognitive conditions like Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s.
It is also proven that consumption of flavonoid-rich foods was linked to better brain function and improved cognitive performance by a 2009 study published in the Journal of Nutrition.
6. Blood Pressure Improvement.
Many controlled studies show that cocoa in dark chocolate plays significant role in improving the blood flow and lowering the blood pressure,
The flavanols in dark chocolate can stimulate the endothelium, the lining of arteries, to produce nitric oxide to send signals to the arteries to relax.
It then lowers the resistance to blood flow and therefore reduces the blood pressure.
Ever thinking of adding chocolate to your diet?
Now you will have a good reason to do that.
Several studies show that by doing that, it can assist in reducing the blood pressure levels, which could help protect against conditions like heart disease and stroke.
7. Potential Vision Booster
In June 2018 human clinical trial observed that contrast sensitivity and visual acuity of 30 participants improved after consuming dark chocolate versus milk chocolate.
Well, what does that mean?
It means that it could potentially help to boost eyes vision.
However, more studies are needed to evaluate how chocolate and its components could impact vision in the long term.
8. Protects Skin Health
The flavonol roles’ benefits does not limit just by here.
It is also proved that one of the top dark chocolate benefits for skin is attributed to it, and its ability to protect against sun damage.
In fact, a study out of London found that eating flavonol-rich chocolate could also help in preventing damage caused by ultraviolet light.
On the other hand, another research indicates that by regular consumption of chocolate, it may also reduce skin roughness, enhance hydration and improve blood flow to the skin.
Leaving your skin feeling fresh and soft!
So, is dark chocolate really good for you?
Take a look back at the dark chocolate nutrition facts and it’s easy to see why this incredible treat is packed with health benefits.
If you’ve dreamt of eating chocolate every day, now you have an excuse — or eight!
There is considerable evidence that cocoa in dark chocolate can provide powerful health benefits, making this bittersweet treat a superfood favorite.
Of course, this doesn't mean you should go all out and consume lots of chocolate every day. Bear in mind that it is still loaded with calories and easy to overeat.
Maybe have a square or two after dinner and try to really savor them.
Dark chocolates typically contain some sugar, but the amounts are usually small and the darker the chocolate, the less sugar it will contain.
It is rated as one of the few foods that undoubtedly taste awesome while providing significant health benefits.
But as a reminder, people who are interested in adding dark chocolate to their diet should keep in mind that it is high in fat and calories too.
So, moderation is the key.
Let’s grab our dark chocolate and enjoy your favorite treat!